Home Learning
Supporting your child with their learning at home
There are many ways in which you can support your child with their learning at home. Primarily, we hope that all children will complete the home learning in accordance with our Homework Policy (found on our policies page).
Reading is the window to the rest of the learning world so we hope that parents prioritise reading with their child at home. Please find a Reading Booklet for parents here.
Links for completing homework can be found below:
Both of these can also be downloaded as an app.
Please find a parent guide to using Mathletics here and a guide to using TTRS here.
Additional Support
We feel that our pupils work incredibly hard all day at school and it is important for them to have ample down time at home.
However, you may want to provide additional support for areas such as Phonics, Reading and Maths, especially when homework is not set during holiday periods. Below are some suggested websites that may support with additional learning.
http://www.oxfordphonicschecksupport.co.uk/ (Phonics Screening Check)
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (Phonics)
https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ (Handwriting) Log in details for this website have been emailed out.
SATs Support
We recently ran two workshops regarding SATs; one for the parents of Year 2 and one for the parents of Year 6. At these meetings, we suggested some resources which may be helpful for supporting your child at home.
Please find the slides from these meetings below.
Remote Learning
Our Remote Learning provision is detailed here. We use Google Classroom for our provision, accessed via the children's Wonde accounts. Instructions for how to access their account can be found here.
The children will need to visit https://edu.wonde.com/login to log in to their account.
Staying Safe Online
We recognise that children are spending more and more time online. We work hard in school to teach the children to make the best use of technology, whilst always being safe. Every year, the children spend the first half term focussing on e-safety, at an age-appropriate level.
Some useful websites to visit for resources to keep your child safe online are listed below:
Please find below a set of informative and engaging posters about children's use of the most common apps and games.
Chindits Lane, Brentwood,
Essex. CM14 5LF